Sunday, March 15, 2015

Creative Dreams and Wishes - The Story of Greno's As You Wish
Interview by Vince Giracello. Photo By Miriam Murrell.

Vinnie : Your last 2 full length releases (Soul Love, Rainy Day Girl) seemed to follow a theme which has quite nicely tied together with your latest As You Wish. Did you envision such a seamless and smooth trilogy when you started in  the process? Was there a particular point or release that made you think in the direction of a trilogy?

Greno : I didn't even think about it too much until summer of 2013, when I was making Rainy Day Girl. Honestly, at the time, I really felt Soul Love stood as a completely singular and unique record in my catalog. And I did take a lot of time between those two records, 23 months. I did the same thing for the new record, too lots of time to let things permeate. I am getting older and wiser so I don't have to make a record every year if I don't want to. Though, this year I plan to make four of my own. I guess the trilogy is a way of saying goodbye to a certain mindset and farewell to making records by myself for awhile. 

Vinnie : The new disc is much more varied than the last few releases but still effectively tells the Greno story in its work. What was the inspiration at the start of the project?

Greno : I was hungry to do a new record when this year began. I started a new improv project with family and friends, called The Florence Nightingale Effect and it was totally inspirational to be making that type of music again. So, in the middle of January, I wrote and recorded seven of the nine songs in one week. I usually recorded one song a day but got lucky on one Sunday and nailed three. It was one of the quickest and easiest Greno albums I have ever done. 

Vinnie : What is your favorite song on the album and why?

Greno : I love "Ganja Girl". I have never written a song like that before and I think it is sexy as hell. I know some of my friends that are girls really dig the song, so that says something. Who doesn't like a song with the word fuck in it? Well, a lot of people I guess.......Joke 'em if they can't take a fuck.

Vinnie : Will there be any extra material from the trilogy that may make any appearance at some point? Perhaps, a "rarities or extras" of other cuts from this span of effort. How about any videos for the new album?

Greno : Um, probably not. Most of the material recorded for the last two were used for the albums, not many out-takes. As You Wish sessions did generate some bonus material but it will be available on the singles coming out. Plans to do a video for "Ganja Girl" are in the works. We are just waiting for the buds to get as big as possible before we roll the cameras. 

Vinnie : The material from Soul Love and Rainy Day Girl was well received in recent live performances. Is it difficult recreating these musical self-portraits live? What is the process like for you?

Greno : It is difficult because the song will never be the same once my band gets their hands on it. A song like "Magnificent One" is a prime example. The recorded version is very tame as it was recorded with a drum machine. Now, my band Blue Fir plays the song but it is completely different, much more rocking and edgy. I guess the best thing to do is just let go of the recorded version and see how things fly on their own with the band. Plus songs always evolve as you continue to play them in a live setting. 

Vinnie : What was your most memorable recording experience from the As You Wish sessions?

Greno : When I recorded "Sometimes I Wish", I imagined the song on my way home one night from work and did a demo when I got home. Unsatisfied, I went to sleep, woke up the next morning and destroyed it. It felt fantastic. 

Vinnie : It has been a remarkably creative and successful last few years for you and Anonymous Collective. So, what are your future plans with both? What would you like to see happen next?

Greno : We just want to keep doing what we do best and that is make music and play shows. We like to keep the roster to folks that are like family and understand our budget and marketing restraints. We are going to celebrate our 5 year anniversary this summer. Hopefully, some friends will be able to make it out to Colorado and be a part of it. For those that live here, no excuses. And some new music coming out this Spring/Summer from Ravens Orchard, Papa Future, Florence Nightingale Effect and more. 

Vinnie : Is there anything you would like to add about your musical journey? Past, present and/or future?

Greno : My past is my roots with my friends, growing up playing music. I would be nowhere without my musical co-horts throughout the years. I play and write music because I have to. I need music in my life. When things are fucked up, music is there for me. Just the same as when things are great, music is always there for me. I will always strive to create new and hopefully interesting music that comes from my soul. I ask the universe for clarity on this matter every day. Not to end on such a deep note. Actually, if you know me, it is not possible. And the album title does come from The Princess Bride. I know, inconceivable. 

You can purchase As You Wish at

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