Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Upper Middle Interview


The Upper Middle make creative, interesting music and i'm not just saying that because a few of the members are friends of mine. Their big rock sound is unique so you should listen and decide for yourself. The beauty of music/songs is it means something different to everyone. This Tennessee-based group has multiple songwriters aboard and an array of multi-instrumentalist skills. They sing harmonies and write really good songs. Just off the heels of releasing their second album, THE UPPER MIDDLE; here's the band you've been waiting to hear about!

1. Where does the name the Upper Middle come from?

Scott: Shea, you got this? Upper Middle Tennessee? 

Brian:  was it a reaction against the amusing “self blue-collarization” of artists (especially typical of the ‘americana’ ilk) like The Boss, The Coug, The Ryan Adams, The Vanilla Ice’s of the world? A brutal, misguided honesty revealing our artistically unfashionable socioeconomic upbringing?

Kris : Yes

Shea :  My original intent when I came up with the name was the allusion to the sonic sweet the brink of distortion. Marriage of power and tension. The others took it and ran with it in a more social commentary-related angle. Par for the course. 

(just kidding...I'm just the idea).


2. The new record sounds great, how long did it take to record? Where did you record it?

Scott : Kris lorded over the final result which was tracked initially in two batches: Brown Owl (fall ’18) and Blackbird Studios (spring ’19), both in Nashville’s Berry Hill neighborhood. It was especially satisfying in that these were all new songs that came together like fresh fish tacos in San Felipe: hooked, cleaned up, lightly seasoned, ready for consumption. Our previous release was more drawn out, like a 10 year Reposado, still needs a little ageing.

Brian :  3 different studios within a 2 mile radius… and Hansa, East Berlin

Kris : Hey, thanks Greno. 1980s Sovtek tube technology paired with late-1990s Apple technology. Started at Brown Owl with Russ Long, spring 2019 at Blackbird Studios, then leisurely shaken and stirred at the Crab Shack. Finished just in time for the pandemic.

3. What are your individual roles in the band?

Scott : basses, steel guitar, mellotrons, vocals

Brian Tobias :  questioning, nagging, periscoping

Kardinal Woolsey : bass guitar, other guitar, ‘singing’, wisdom-less age, standard tuning

Shea : Drums. Alpha-Dog, but used sparingly to increase impact. 

4. Any particular studio(s) you really enjoy working at?

Scott : Lately, Olive (Brian’s new set up)

Brian : Young Ave., Memphis… Sputnik Sound, Nazzville

Shea : Always dig Brown Owl. 

5. The Upper Middle has multiple songwriters, how do you juggle it all for set lists/releases?

Scott: for releases, generally whomever most wrote it, sings it. For set lists, we try to minimise the swapping of bass guitar and alt-tunings, though we’d prefer to not have that as a consideration, our songs are all over the place.

Kris : Once he’s vaccinated, we’re considering hiring Sebastian Bach as a lead singer, so the live sets have more focus

6. How have you guys been holding up during the pandemic of 2020?

Scott : Mostly depressed, angry, bored, sick, tired: all stemming from picking up golf again. Otherwise, fine.

Brian : It’s been a good opportunity to focus on family and self-loathing

Kris : Experimenting with small-batch tequilas (The Brothers started it) has kept the boredom at bay

Shea : Hanging in. It has spawned the birth of a sound-proof drum shed being built on my property, taking isolation to new heights.

7. As brothers playing together in a band, have you ever had a fight on stage?

Scott : We’ve staged a few pantomime brawls, but nothing like Blues x Five glory days with Duncan taking serious beatings from his brother Alistair, including one in front of Betty Broderick at a house party in La Jolla.

Brian : Once Scott helped himself to an obnoxiously gratuitous guitar solo, so i altered his uplighting to a rather unflattering amber hue.

Kris : Oof

8. What are some record stores you like in Memphis/Nashville?

Hylbert Bros : Goner in Midtown Memphis, Grimey’s in East Nashville. 

Shea : Shangri-La Records in Memphis

9. After all these years, are you guys still San Diego Padre fans?

Scott : Can you say, Kurt Bevaqua?

Brian : We still have hopes of playing Tim’s “Flan Appreciation Night” one of these years

10. Best Mexican Food close to you?

Scott : Food truck at service station on Kirkwood

Brian : Burritos La Mina (Chile Relleno)

Kris : Not that close, but Carniceria San Luis on Harding has an amazing family combo, smoke clouds pouring out of oil drum bbq’s all day and all of the night

Shea : Mean tortas at Tortas Ahogadas at Plaza Mariachi. 

11. Favorite Big Star bootleg song/album?

Scott : Elliott Smith's take on Thirteen 

Brian : Sister Lovers (album)

Kris : Brian’s version of ‘India Song’

12. Are you guys currently writing any new material?

Scott : Brian is

13. Favorite San Diego bands, past, present and future?

Scott : Great memories of Blues by Five playing on large bills with The Town Criers, Outrage, Manual Scan, and house parties in Point Loma with Shades of Blue and Jamaica Court with Fish and the Seaweeds. Dream gig in 2021 The Upper Middle with The Loons and Nephews and a Niece!

Brian : Billy Midnite, Convoy, Ratt, Jewell

Kris : Iron Butterfly

14. If you could have a jam session with any rhythm section(alive or dead), who would it be?

Scott : Swampers, Funk Brothers, or the Wrecking Crew

Brian : The Sales Bros., Mitch Mitchell & Noel Redding

Kris: That dream came true – jammed with Chris Frantz & Tina Weymouth (they were more drunk, but more tighter) at a wedding reception

Shea : Zigaboo Modeliste/George Porter, Jr., Billy Martin/Chris Wood

15. Any "Brother Rock" bands who've inspired you guys in some way?

Scott : Gibbs w/ Kardinal Woolsey as Barry. 

Brian : Kinks, Beech Boyz, Ramones, Go-Go’s?

Kris : Isleys, Devo, Everlys

Shea : Allman Bros during the literal bros years 

16. Blackjack or Poker?

Scott : Hearts

Brian : B-52 pickup

17. What was the first music video you remember seeing on t.v.?

Scott : Haircut 100

Brian : Herbie Hancock’s bizarre robot thingy

Kris : Maybe ‘Tusk’

Shea : I was not allowed cable growing up. I think it was "Stop Dragging My Heart Around" over at my friends house, though. 

18. Favorite S.E. Hinton Book/Movie?

Scott : She write Rumble Fish?

Brian : Blade Runner

19. I heard something about an Ik Ben reunion? With Danny Bonaduce on bass?

Scott : The invitation is always open for Danny. And that’s surprising after what happened in Geisenkirchen, Brian can elaborate . . . 

Brian : Joey Bagadonuts has first chair bass, but Danny boy is a solid maybe for baritone guitar

20. Five Desert Island Discs (go!)

Scott : Loaded, Trace, Rastaman Vibration or Equal Rights, Aftermath or Let it Bleed

Brian : The first 5 Camper albums

Kris :  ‘Seven Seas’, ‘Oceans Apart’, ’Sea Change’, ’Tales from Topographic Oceans’, ‘Ik Ben Red’

21. What are your musical plans for 2021? Any new releases?

Scott : Compiling a Greatest Hits Vol.1 package for my career spanning side alias, The Golden Mean. 

Brian : We’re composing the seminal arena rock anthem for Nashville’s new sports team, tentatively titled “SPORTS!”

22. If you could have dinner with one Rolling Stone(alive or not), who would it be?


Scott : Ian Stewart

Brian : Bianca Jagger

Kris : Loog Oldham

Shea : Mick Avory 

23. Who is your favorite athlete from the San Diego/Poway/RB Golden era?

Scott : Scott Gilliam PHS first base 

Brian : Hiro Suzuki… or Kevin O’neill, who layed out a catcher coming home in 4th grade

24. Tell the people how they can buy/listen to your music?

Scott : The new one is soon to be on all the streaming services. I know there’s an artist/creator backlash against Spotify but we really need the money $00.0000046 per spin!

Brian : use the force, young jedi's


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